Gold Everywhere

Who doesn’t love the glow of gold?

Theres something about the brass and yellow tones of gold that warms the soul. I was told the other day that there is speculations humans are attracted to shinny things because its reflective like water which is essential to life of course. Yup just googled it “Our crush on glossiness might be rooted in a primitive desire for water.” This why I had such a time doing this piece its all in our biology. My studio was covereddddd in leaf I completely relish in mess! my partner and doggo not so much I had to pic some leaf out of Coles wet nose here and there. Now every thing’s not always sunshine and rainbows with gold leafing sometimes it reacts unexpectedly to finishing. It can crackle and turn green once varnished its important to test a small spot of gold with all materials being used or you could be left with a chemical reaction you weren’t exactly going for.